Home > @eppo/js-client-sdk > IClientConfig
Configuration for regular client initialization
export interface IClientConfig extends IBaseRequestConfig
Extends: IBaseRequestConfig
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
[enableOverrides?](/js-client-sdk/js-client-sdk.iclientconfig.enableoverrides.html) | boolean | _(Optional)_ Enable the Overrides Store for local flag overrides. (default: false) | |
[eventIngestionConfig?](/js-client-sdk/js-client-sdk.iclientconfig.eventingestionconfig.html) | { batchSize?: number; deliveryIntervalMs?: number; disabled?: boolean; maxQueueSize?: number; maxRetries?: number; maxRetryDelayMs?: number; retryIntervalMs?: number; } | _(Optional)_ Configuration settings for the event dispatcher | |
[forceReinitialize?](/js-client-sdk/js-client-sdk.iclientconfig.forcereinitialize.html) | boolean | _(Optional)_ Force reinitialize the SDK if it is already initialized. | |
[maxCacheAgeSeconds?](/js-client-sdk/js-client-sdk.iclientconfig.maxcacheageseconds.html) | number | _(Optional)_ Maximum age, in seconds, previously cached values are considered valid until new values will be fetched (default: 0) | |
[overridesStorageKey?](/js-client-sdk/js-client-sdk.iclientconfig.overridesstoragekey.html) | string | _(Optional)_ The key to use for the overrides store. | |
[persistentStore?](/js-client-sdk/js-client-sdk.iclientconfig.persistentstore.html) | IAsyncStore<Flag> | _(Optional)_ A custom class to use for storing flag configurations. This is useful for cases where you want to use a different storage mechanism than the default storage provided by the SDK. | |
[throwOnFailedInitialization?](/js-client-sdk/js-client-sdk.iclientconfig.throwonfailedinitialization.html) | boolean | _(Optional)_ Throw an error if unable to fetch an initial configuration during initialization. (default: true) | |
[updateOnFetch?](/js-client-sdk/js-client-sdk.iclientconfig.updateonfetch.html) | ServingStoreUpdateStrategy | _(Optional)_ Sets how the configuration is updated after a successful fetch - always: immediately start using the new configuration - expired: immediately start using the new configuration only if the current one has expired - empty: only use the new configuration if the current one is both expired and uninitialized/empty | |
[useExpiredCache?](/js-client-sdk/js-client-sdk.iclientconfig.useexpiredcache.html) | boolean | _(Optional)_ Whether initialization will be considered successfully complete if expired cache values are loaded. If false, initialization will always wait for a fetch if cached values are expired. (default: false) |